
Spay/Neuter of Feral Cats - the Overpopulation Solution

            TNR (Trap, Neuter, and Return) is a community outreach program supporting the animal care efforts of individuals with outdoor cat populations.  It is the best option for helping feral cats when a property owner is willing to support a feral cat colony on his/her premises.  If residents are willing to provide food, water, and shelter sufficient to maintain an existing feral colony, Spay Taos can provide free TNR. With the caregivers' help, the cats are trapped humanely and transported to the Spay Taos clinic in El Prado for an examination, spay/neuter, vaccinations and an ear-notch. Feral cats are not owned so no micro-chip is provided. The cats are returned to their outdoor homes, retaining their freedom in their familiar territory without the risks of reproduction.  By keeping the population under control, caregivers are able to manage their colonies without incurring the escalating costs of an increasing population.        

        For TNR cats, you do not need to, nor should you, schedule appointments at the clinic. TNR feral cats are accepted at the clinic on a WALK-IN basis only. To participate, you must be a Taos County resident and enroll in the TNR program by calling Spay Taosl at 575-240-8549. They can lend you a humane trap and provide trapping instructions. TNR walk-ins are limited to one cat per person per day. ALL WALK-IN TNR CATS MUST BE INSIDE TRAPS. Carriers and cages are not permitted. 

        Safety is imperative when handling feral cats. Even seemingly friendly, ‘touchable’ feral cats can panic and cause serious harm when suddenly grabbed and forced into a carrier. Pulling ferals out of carriers at the clinic is also dangerous. This is why using traps is mandatory for TNR  – it’s both for the safety of the trapper and for the safety of the clinic personnel. Always remember:  never grab a cat that you haven’t held before!


Low Income Cat Food Assistance

If your household annual income is below $50,000, we offer free cat food for anyone in Taos County caring for feral cats. The same benefits are also available on a limited basis for any low income cat owner who, due to injury, illness, disability or loss of employment, is unable to afford cat food. To qualify, you must be an active participant in our TNR program unless all your cats are already fixed. Call 575-758-3519 for more information.